
POD Personal Fitness Club

POD Personal Fitness Club is a gym facility comprised of individual free-standing private workout rooms (or “pods”) of varying sizes where gym-goers can exercise in private to minimize judgement and maximize confidence. The perfect place for beginners or those who are too self-conscious to exercise in public to start their fitness journey.



Naming, Logo Design, Brand Identity, Exhibit/Floorplan Design, UX/UI App Design, Digital & Print Advertising, Commercial Direction, Editing, & Motion Graphics

POD Brand Mark

POD Brand Mark


Membership Packages

POD Personal Fitness Center has two different memberships that are accommodating of all fitness levels and experience. The standard POD membership gives you access to one location, no annual commitment, a a one-time personal training session, and more.

POD+ includes all the perks of the standard membership, as well as the ability to bring a guest and access the larger POD+ group workout units. The membership cards have a different appearance depending on your membership level, so checking in is a breeze.


POD Facility Campus

POD Campus Colored Floorplan Detail


POD Campus Blueprints

All POD facilities occupy a circular footprint that houses the free standing pod units. Users can reserve ahead of time or walk up to a vacant pod and scan their card at the door to begin exercising without interaction. The campus includes:

Free-Standing Individual Pods, 200’x200 Circular Outdoor Campus, Accessable From All Sides, 18 Standard Pod Units, 4 Pod+ Units, Two Trainers Stations, & Parking Lot Around Perimeter

Blue = Standard POD Units

Pink = POD+ Units

Orange = Trainers Stations

White = Parking Lot & Walkways

POD Standard Unit Floorplan Detail


 POD Standard Unit

The standard POD units occupy the majority of POD’s campus and are intended for personal exercise, but can accommodate a group. They are smaller in scale and have just enough for even the most experienced gymgoer to get in the perfect workout. They include:

11’x14’ Area

Treadmill, Dumbbells, 2 Cable Machines

Bench, Exercise Mat

Smart Mirror

Trainer Assist Button

Shower, Toilet, Lockers

(1-3 Users Occupancy)

 POD+ Unit

POD+ units are the perfect space to workout with a small group. There are only 4 POD+units per facility campus and are intended for group sessions, but can be rented for solo use. They have everything the standard unit has, plus more. Including:

24’x22’ Area

3 Treadmills. Dumbbells, 2 Cable Machines

5 Benches, Exercise Mat,

Smart Mirror

Trainer Assist Button

Showers, Toilets, Lockers

(2-6 Users Occupancy)


POD+ Unit Floorplan Detail

Inside the PODs

Each POD unit is brightly lit and sleekly designed with the latest in fitness equipment. There are trainer assist buttons on the walls in case a user needs instruction on how to use a certain machine, and they will also come in and do a full cleaning after each reservation in regular increments. Motivational imagery and signage will give users a confidence boost, and the cutting-edge Smart Mirror technology will make learning new workouts simple and effective.

POD Interior (South Wall)

POD Interior (South Wall)

POD Interior (North Wall)

POD Interior (North Wall)

Smart Mirror Technology

POD lies at the cutting edge of interactive augmented reality exercise equipment. View this short commercial below on how the Smart Mirror can train you to be healthier and a more confident gymgoer.


How to Get Your POD Bod

POD believes nothing can stand between you and achieving your goals. In addition to the Smart Mirror television commercial this series of print and social media ads delivers a clear message of what POD can do for your bod.

POD Instagram Ads

POD Instagram Ads

POD Bus Stop Ad

POD Bus Stop Ad


 Reserve PODs and Track Your Progress With the Mobile App

The POD mobile app allows you to reserve PODs ahead of time, check your progress, access a library of training videos, and keep up with the latest fitness news.


Ruffuge // Branding, Advertising, Interior Design


John Lehrack Music // Branding